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This is the second year for Aligned: Summer Workshops for Artists, and the second year I'm struck by how funding is the thing getting in our way. So, I have decided that twice a year I will publish all the grants, residencies and fellowship information I can dig up, because the funding is out there but WHERE IS IT?

Use these links below as a starting point, go down the rabbit hole and find the funding you need today!

Deadline: Any time before December 31st, 2021

Created in 1993 to further FCA's mission to encourage, sponsor, and promote work of a contemporary, experimental nature, Emergency Grants provide urgent funding for visual and performing artists who:

  • Have sudden, unanticipated opportunities to present their work to the public when there is insufficient time to seek other sources of funding

  • Incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completion with committed exhibition or performance dates

Emergency Grants is the only active, multi-disciplinary program that offers immediate assistance of this kind to artists living and working anywhere in the United States, for projects occurring in the U.S. and abroad.

Each month FCA receives an average of 95 Emergency Grant applications and makes approximately 12-15 grants. Grants range in amount from $500 to $3,000, and the average grant is now $1,700.

Awards & Grants (use link above)

  • The Barbara and Carl Zydney Grant for Artists with Disabilities

  • City Artist Corps Grants

  • NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship

  • Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants

  • NYC Womenā€™s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre

  • The JGS Fellowship for Photography

  • The Recharge Foundation Fellowship for New Surrealist Art

  • The Canadian Women Artistsā€™ Award

  • The Murray Reich Distinguished Artist Award

  • Tomorrowland Projects Foundation Award


The Puffin Foundation Ltd. has sought to open the doors of artistic expression by providing grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy.

What disciplines are you accepting funding proposals for in 2021?

Due to the Corona Virus we are only considering new proposals in Video/Film and arts-related Environmental projects for 2021. ā€œNewā€ applicants in other disciplines will not be considered (see below.) The primary focus of your proposal must be video/film. For example, please do not apply for a video component of a theater or dance project, or apply for simply recording a musical work on video.

Application packets are available starting September 1st. Do not request an application before that time. Requests for application packets must be received by December 15th. Completed/returned applications must be postmarked by December 31st.


Deadline: Every mon

A micro-granting organization, funding ā€œawesomeā€ ideas, The Awesome Foundation set up local chapters around the world to provide rolling grants of $1000 to ā€œawesome projects.ā€ Each chapter defines what is ā€œawesomeā€ for their local community, but most include arts initiatives and public or social practice art projects.

This three-month residency is open to emerging and mid-career artists working in all disciplines across Greater Los Angeles. The selected artists will receive a stipend of $5,000/month, along with a space to create artwork, and inclusion in a group exhibition.

Eliza Moore FELLOWSHIP for ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼ Deadline: July 15, 2021

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation awards this fellowship to one emerging artist who is developing new works that address plants, gardens, or landscapes in the broad sense. It is open to visual artists, literary artists, dancers, and musicians and includes a $10,000 individual grant and a residency.

LAB ARTISTS PROGRAM šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼ Deadline: August 8, 2021

The Chicago Dancemakers Forumā€™s Lab Artists Program will grant up to six Chicago-based dancemakers with $20,000 along with a year of tailored support to aid in their research, development, and presentation of new dance work.



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